Lantern Digital

What is Keyword Cannibalisation & How to Identify and Fix the Issue

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Imagine you’ve spent months crafting quality content, optimizing your pages, and building backlinks, only to find your efforts wasted by your own website. That’s the subtle nature of keyword cannibalization.

But what exactly is this SEO pitfall, and why should you care? 

Let’s dive deep into the concept of keyword cannibalization, how it can undermine your SEO efforts, and most importantly, how to identify and fix it.


What is Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalization refers to a scenario where multiple pages within a website compete against each other for the same set of keywords. This unintentional clash can lead to confusion for search engines, impacting the overall performance of the site. In simpler terms, it’s like having internal competition that affects the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.
When multiple pages target the same keywords, search engines may struggle to determine which page is the most relevant, ultimately diluting the overall ranking potential of the site.
Keyword cannibalization occurs when the presence of duplicate or overlapping content confuses search engines, preventing them from identifying the most authoritative page for a particular keyword.
Keyword cannibalization example: Consider an e-commerce website offering a variety of shoes. If the pages for “running shoes” and “athletic shoes” both heavily optimize for the keyword “best sports shoes,” search engines may struggle to determine which page should rank higher for that specific query. This internal competition weakens the site’s SEO efforts.

Why Does Keyword Cannibalization Matter?

Addressing keyword cannibalization is crucial for maintaining a consistent and effective SEO strategy. The following reasons highlight the significance of resolving this issue:


  • Optimal Resource Allocation: By eliminating keyword cannibalization, resources can be strategically directed towards enhancing the authority and relevance of a single page for a specific set of keywords. This focused approach contributes to improved overall page rankings.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Clearing up keyword confusion ensures that users are directed to the most relevant and authoritative page for their queries. This, in turn, enhances the overall user experience, fostering trust and credibility.

  • Improved Search Engine Visibility: Resolving keyword cannibalization issues allows search engines to better understand the hierarchy and importance of pages within a website. This clarity can lead to improved visibility and higher rankings in search engine results.


How to Identify Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword Cannibalization, if overlooked, becomes the silent disruptor by multiple pages competing internally for a single query. To address the issue, you can use the following steps in identifying keyword cannibalization:

Step 1: Compile a List of Target Keywords

Start by conducting thorough keyword research for each page on your website. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify relevant keywords that align with the content of each page. Make a list of both primary and secondary keywords.

For example: For your fitness website, the “weight loss tips” page might target keywords like “quick weight loss tips,” “effective weight loss strategies,” and “healthy weight loss methods.”

Step 2: Use SEO Tools

Choose a reliable SEO tool to analyze your website’s keyword rankings. Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush are particularly useful for identifying keyword cannibalization. Enter your website’s URL and explore the organic keywords section to get insights into the keywords each page is currently ranking for under cannibalisation tab

For Instance, In Ahrefs, look at the “Organic Keywords” section and export the data to a spreadsheet for a detailed analysis.


Step 3: Identify Keyword Cannibalization Patterns

Examine the exported keyword data and look for patterns of overlap. Identify instances where multiple pages are ranking for the same or similar keywords. Pay attention to the specific keywords causing cannibalization and note which pages are affected.


From the above example, If both your “weight loss tips” and “healthy meal plans” pages are ranking for the keyword “best diet for weight loss,” mark it as a potential cannibalization issue.


Step 4: Analyze Content Relevance

Now, delve into the content of the pages that are competing for the same keywords. Assess whether the content is truly unique or if there’s significant overlap in the information provided. Consider the user intent for each page.


Using the above example, Check if the “weight loss tips” and “healthy meal plans” pages offer distinct advice or if they share similar information about the best diets for weight loss.

How to Fix Keyword Cannibalization?

Fixing keyword cannibalization is crucial for a streamlined and effective SEO strategy. It ensures that each page on your website serves a distinct purpose, avoiding internal competition for the same keywords. By resolving conflicts and optimizing content hierarchy, you enhance clarity for both users and search engines. Here are few solution you can implement to fix keyword cannibalization for your website:

  • 301 Redirection

Implementing redirects is a powerful solution to mitigate keyword cannibalization. Identify the primary page for a specific keyword and redirect other conflicting pages to it. This consolidation not only eliminates internal competition but also guides users seamlessly to the most relevant content.

  • Adding Canonical tags

Specify the canonical version of a page, signaling search engines to prioritize it over others. This strategic use of canonicalization eliminates confusion and consolidates ranking signals, fortifying your SEO foundation.

  • Using No-Index

For secondary or similar content, the no-index tag is a potent tool. By instructing search engines not to index certain pages, you maintain their existence for user access but shield them from diluting your primary page’s SEO authority. This deliberate exclusion streamlines your content hierarchy.

  • Creating Content

Addressing keyword cannibalization involves not only resolution but proactive content creation. Develop comprehensive, unique content for each targeted keyword, ensuring clarity and distinction. This strategic approach not only resolves cannibalization issues but also strengthens your overall content portfolio.

  • Optimize Links and Content

Audit and optimize internal links with precision. Ensure that anchor text aligns with the content’s primary focus, reducing ambiguity for search engines. Additionally, fine-tune on-page content to emphasize the uniqueness and relevance of each page, reinforcing their individual SEO value.


In conclusion, understanding and addressing keyword cannibalization is pivotal for maintaining a robust SEO strategy. By recognizing the signs, implementing effective strategies, and staying abreast of industry trends, businesses can navigate the complexities of search engine optimization successfully.


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