Lantern Digital

Understanding Google’s Latest Algorithm Update and Its Impact

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Website owners and SEO professionals often struggle to stay updated with Google’s ever-evolving search algorithms, especially significant core updates such as the March 2024 Core Update. Staying informed about these updates is crucial for maintaining visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we delve into the key functions of this update and its potential impact on website rankings.

Demystifying the March 2024 Core Update: A Focus on Helpfulness

The March 2024 Core Update significantly shifted Google’s search landscape. Unlike minor tweaks, core updates represent a broader change in how Google’s algorithms assess and rank content. This particular update emphasized a new concept:


Google defines helpful content as information that goes beyond simply being relevant to a search query. It should strive to be informative, comprehensive, and genuinely useful to the searcher. This update aimed to significantly reduce the presence of “unhelpful content” in search results, potentially by 40%, prioritizing websites that demonstrate Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T).

Beyond Low Quality:

While tackling low-quality content was a big focus, the update went deeper. It targeted content that felt “machine-made” and lacked true user value. Websites churning out content to match specific keywords without genuine expertise or insights would no longer rank well.

Evolving Spam Policies:

The update coincided with revamped spam policies from Google, signaling a two-pronged attack on manipulative search tactics. Google’s systems became more adept at identifying not just low-quality content but also manipulative tactics websites might use to gain ranking.

The Helpful Content Update (HCU) Merges In:

The March 2024 update marked the culmination of Google’s efforts from the prior Helpful Content Update (HCU). Essentially, the HCU principles became integrated into Google’s core ranking systems. This means focusing on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) remains crucial for ranking well.

The Future of SEO:

The March 2024 update serves as a turning point for SEO. It emphasizes the importance of creating content with a human audience in mind. Websites that prioritize user needs, provide genuine value, and establish themselves as trustworthy sources will see success in the long run.

Key Considerations of the Latest Core Update

While Google doesn’t reveal the exact intricacies of its algorithms, here’s a breakdown of the key aspects Google likely considered with the March 2024 core update:

Content Quality:

The update prioritized well-written, informative content that addresses the user’s search intent comprehensively. Thin content, automatically generated content, and content lacking depth likely saw a decline in rankings. Here are some ways to identify thin content that might need improvement:

  • Short content length: Content that barely covers a topic with minimal details is likely considered thin. Aim for content that offers a thorough exploration of the subject matter.
  • Lack of in-depth analysis: Content that simply summarizes existing information without offering unique insights or perspectives falls short. Provide valuable analysis and fresh angles on the topic.
  • Superficial information: Content that focuses on generic information readily available elsewhere might be deemed thin. Strive to offer unique value and insights that set your content apart.

E-A-T Signals:

Websites demonstrating strong E-A-T signals in the author and the overall domain likely received a boost. This includes having authors with established expertise in the field, a reputable website with a positive online presence, and content backed by credible sources. Let’s explore each E-A-T factor in detail:

  • Expertise: Content written by knowledgeable and experienced authors in the subject matter will hold more weight. Consider including author bios that showcase their qualifications and experience.
  • Experience: Websites with a long-standing history of creating high-quality content in a specific niche are more likely to be seen as authoritative. Building a track record of consistent, valuable content creation demonstrates experience.
  • Authoritativeness: Citations from reputable sources and backlinks from high-authority websites can significantly enhance your E-A-T. Focus on creating link-worthy content that attracts citations naturally and consider guest blogging on relevant high-authority websites.
  • Trustworthiness: Building trust with your audience involves factors like transparency, data security, and avoiding misleading information. Be transparent about your sources, avoid making false claims, and prioritize data security to establish trustworthiness.

User Experience (UX):

Positive UX factors like clear page structure, mobile-friendliness, and fast loading times likely played a role in ranking. Content that frustrates users with intrusive ads, confusing navigation, or slow loading speeds may have been penalized. Here are some ways to improve your website’s UX for a positive user experience:

  • Mobile-first design: Ensure your website functions flawlessly and displays optimally on all devices, especially mobile phones, which account for a significant portion of web traffic.
  • Clear and intuitive navigation: Users should be able to easily find the information they’re looking for with a logical site structure and clear navigation menus. Prioritize user-friendliness when designing your website’s navigation.
  • Fast loading speeds: Optimize your website images, code, and server performance to ensure quick loading times that don’t keep users waiting. Slow loading speeds can significantly impact UX and potentially harm your ranking.

Content Benefit:

The update aimed to prioritize content that offers a clear benefit to the user. This could include solving a problem, providing valuable insights, or offering unique perspectives on a topic. Here are some ways to ensure your content offers value and benefits users:

How Does Google’s Latest Algorithm Update Impact Your Website?

Google’s March 2024 update, also known as the “Helpfulness Update,” emphasizes user-centric content. Websites with informative, well-written content by established authors are likely to see a ranking boost. However, thin content and websites lacking Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) might experience a decline. If you prioritize user experience with clear navigation and fast loading speeds, you’re on the right track. Understanding these factors and creating helpful content is key to thriving in the new SEO landscape.

Unfortunately, as a large language model, I can’t directly access and analyze websites. However, I can explain how the March 2024 update might have impacted your website based on its focus areas:

Positive Impact:

  • High-Quality Content: If your website prioritizes well-written, informative content that genuinely addresses user search intent, you might have seen a rise in rankings.
  • Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T): If your website establishes itself as a trustworthy source with clear expertise in its field, you might have benefited from the update.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. If your website offers a good mobile experience, it likely wasn’t negatively affected.

Negative Impact:

  • Thin Content & AI-Generated Content: If your website relies heavily on thin content or AI-generated content with little value, you might have seen a decline in rankings.
  • Focus on Keywords over Users: If your content prioritizes stuffing keywords over providing a good user experience, it might have been negatively affected.
  • Lack of E-A-T Signals: If your website lacks clear author credentials, expertise indicators, or secure connections (HTTPS), it might have been impacted.

How to Find Out:

  • Track Your Rankings: Use SEO tools to monitor your website’s ranking for relevant keywords. A significant drop after March 2024 could indicate an issue.
  • Analyze Your Traffic: Check your website analytics to see if traffic has changed since the update. A decrease could be a sign of ranking decline.
  • Content Audit: Conduct an audit of your content to identify thin content or content lacking user value. Consider revising or removing such content.

By analyzing these factors, you can better understand how the update might have affected your website.

Staying Updated on Google’s Guidelines

Google’s guidelines and algorithms are constantly evolving, so staying informed is crucial. Here are some effective methods to keep yourself updated:

Official Google Channels:

  • Google Search Central Blog: This is the official blog from Google, where they announce major algorithm updates, share best practices for SEO, and explain their guidelines.
  • Google Webmaster Guidelines: These guidelines outline what Google expects from websites to rank well and avoid penalties.

SEO News Websites:

Many reputable websites specialize in SEO news and updates. Subscribing to their newsletters or following them on social media ensures you’ll be notified about the latest developments.

SEO Tools & Trackers:

Several SEO tools offer tracking features that monitor algorithm updates and their potential impact on your website’s ranking.

Online SEO Communities:

Participating in online SEO forums and communities allows you to connect with other professionals, discuss updates, and learn from their experiences.

Set Up Google Alerts:

Create Google Alerts for terms like “Google algorithm update” or “Google search changes.” This sends notifications directly to your inbox whenever new content related to these terms appears.

Beyond the Basics:

  • Track Your Website Analytics: Monitor your website’s traffic and ranking trends to identify potential fluctuations after updates.
  • Industry Influencers: Follow prominent SEO experts on social media or their blogs for insights and analysis of Google updates.
  • Attend SEO Conferences & Webinars: Attending industry events allows you to learn directly from SEO professionals and stay updated on the latest trends.

By combining these strategies, you can ensure you’re informed about Google’s evolving guidelines and can adapt your website strategy accordingly. Remember, staying ahead of the curve is key to maintaining good search rankings and website visibility.

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